Create an engaging video isn’t always easy. It is even less easy when your product or service isn’t tied to any positive feeling: imagine yourself produce a good commercial video if you are selling printers or insurances, communicating efficiently via video isn’t as simple as it seems! That’s why we have gathered a few advice for you, in order to help you produce a unique and efficient video for your company!


Above all else, an engaging video is about the ideal tone

Tone is actually the main element to create an impacting message, the success of a video rests on its writing and on the tone you decide to adopt to deliver your message.

Amusing, serious, or emotional, all of these options are possible as long as they are fully accepted. Don’t try to do things by half and engage yourself frankly to the line of objectives you set, the message will then appear as more honest, credible, and less corporate in the end.

Don’t be be afraid of the ridicule or of comical effects, unlike what we may think, it does not discredit your band at all. On the contrary, it’ll attach a more positive image to it and will show that you are capable of getting off the beaten track by surprising. Moreover, people are more inclined to remember an entertaining message, and let’s not forget that laugh is a sharing medium, what an advantage on the Web!

Humanise and tell a story

If you wish to adopt a more serious angle, you then have to humanize your video to the full so that your public identifies to it easily or becomes more reachable. In order to do so, you can appeal to testimonies for example, and don’t be scared of proximity and of coming together to try being as human as possible.

Rather, if you wish to opt for the emotional disposition of people, the possibilities of moving, touching, surprising, or soliciting the audience’s empathy are numerous. It’s up to you to find an intelligent way to do it. It can be done via daily situations presented under a new slant, or, on the contrary, by forgetting about preconceived ideas and everyday routine to take your audience on a trip and make it think: once again, there are a lot of ways to produce an engaging video!

The common denominator remaining is to tell a story, a good way to catch the audience’s attention and to get away from the traditional commercial. Hewlett Packard managed to take up the challenge with an ad for a normally boring product, a printer.


Select information to engage the audience

Just like for any commercial, it is important to carefully select the information you wish to convey. Your product or service is necessarily distinguishable by its use or by the interactions it brings about, or even by the key difference dissociating you in the competition.

Make sure to communicate in relation to these element in order to ensure the good reception and understanding of your message. You must at any price avoid to drown your audience in information, highlight the main points clearly and precisely, the message of your video will be even more impacting.

Also think about engaging your audience into the communication. For example, directly appeal to them in your video or organise contests inciting people to participate. Why not produce a video compiling contents created by your users, there’s nothing like it to federate new clients and give your audience reasons to trust you.

As we said, ways to produce an engaging video even though your industry doesn’t seem to lend itself to it at first. Be creative and develop your own ideas while keeping in mind the advice you have read in this article. Good luck!