The use of videos keeps increasing, because it catches the attention and improves the SEO. But videos are not only images, audio track is important as well!
In 2013, Quebecers spent an average of 6 hours per day in front of a screen. Enclined to multitasking, consumers multiply links and videos. Hence, sound becomes just as important as image!
Risks of a poor sound quality
The audio track complements the video. It is also part of the first contact with the viewer. If the audio track has poor quality, the whole video experience will be damaged, which will lead to a devaluation of the brand!
Poor sound quality on your corporate or advertising video will result in a viewers loss, and will decrease the sharing and views rate.
You also have to keep in mind that users will often watch videos on their smartphones, switching easily from one video to the other, and loosing sound quality depending on the device they use. This quality depreciation can also be caused by the use of earphones.
A good sound quality: added value to your brand
The audio track of a video will have an influence on the whole viewers experience.
It can have various necessary features
- Words and voice-over, perfectly audible, bring more information to the image and make the video clearer. Most videos and shows loose all their meanings without them.
- Music can support words and convey feelings, while adding rhythm to the video. It can also bring the scene into context: town, meeting, etc. On the contrary, no music will leave more room to the text!
- Adding a jingle in a web-serie helps recognization and memorization, while increasing the bonding effect to both the videos and the associated brand.
The future of commercial videos: the use of apps by brands, Shazam in particular.
Apps allow interaction between screens and interactive advertising campaigns. These apps direct towards additional content, while reinforcing the brand-consumer bonding. Therefore, videos are not passive anymore, they change the consumer into an actor.
Some shops and cinemas encourage this system, and brands such as Nissan and Guerlain use it massively.
What about you? would you ‘Shazam’ your ads? Do not hesitate to share your opinion or experiences in the comments!