Here are the best practices in the use of video for business:

Advertising, marketing and promotion


1. Customer testimony or success story

Nothing is more compelling than a satisfied customer (ideally in their own environment) talking about the virtues of your products and services or explaining how your business has helped him to achieve his professional goals. These videos are in average 15 seconds to 1 minute long and are used to combine or support your company’s marketing materials.

2. Product videos

A  product or service video focuses on the benefits and speaks from the perspective of the customer. The video should explain how the product / service solved their problems ( professional, personal or economic). The video should help consumers and prospects to distinguish between the benefits of your product / services with those of your competitors.

3. Product Demonstration

The product demonstration helps to show how your product works and highlights the characteristics that differentiates it from your competitors. A screen capture software, presenter are all excellent ways to demonstrate how your product or service works. These videos are generally used to influence a prospect, which is relatively far in the sales cycle. In marketing technology, these videos are targeted to reach skeptics that need to help to understand how something works. In consumer marketing, they are targeted to buyers of more expensive items that more time to decide before purchasing an item.

4. Explanatory Animations

Rapidly increasing in popularity, visual stories employ illustrations, animations and motion graphics with a voice over to explain the product or service. They generally last between 1 and 3 minutes.

Corporate Video


1. Company Profile

These videos are the equivalent of “corporate brochures” for small businesses. They aim to reach new visitors of your website and to give them a general idea of what your company is. The content usually includes the history of the company, the main products, the owner / managers and other high-level person.

2. Marketing Content video

This is a category that will get very important over the next few years! Today, the majority of messages (video or otherwise) issued by companies concentrated on the sales or on the brand. Helping customers to solve their problems will then help the brand to position itself more effectively and more effectively (example: Home Depot ” How to ” videos on their website help people with their renovations). It all begins with one question: what informations can your company share with customers to help them in their many life needs. People do not go to your website to have your sales goals, they go to your site to solve their problems.

3. Interactive Video

The power of video is so, if it is well produced, that it can call for action and bring people to interact with your brand. Technology will play a huge role in interactive video over the next few years.

4. Events filmed

The events are a unique opportunity to demonstrate your brand skills. Exhibitions, conferences and meetings are usually attended by your best sellers, business executives, industry experts and influential business people. It is essential to capture any moment your brand is under the spotlight with a relevant message on video.

5. Video Store

Did you know that Walmart has its own in-store television network that allows consumers to be aware of new offers live.

6. Maintenance and technical support

Nobody reads manuals. You can save thousands of dollars of after-sales support by creating informative videos on the assembly, installation and other relevant information about your products and services.

7. Recruitment Videos

Finding the best employees is the most important function of any business. Recruitment videos include company employees that highlight the culture of the company to  influence potential candidates.

Training, education and recruitment


1. Training

Video is highly used for training purposes (service, support, sales, personal development, etc.) Online video is a cost effective substitute for classroom training. You can easily embed video to online tools management training.

2. Community relations

If your organization works in the community, helping the environment or contributing to important causes, that should be on video! Show people what you do, and for that video is the best media to use.

3. Business Talk show / Interviews

Weekly information bulletins require a lot of effort and reading rates are very low. Companies of all sizes are now beginning to develop a format of “Talk Show” where hosts have different people (internal or external) to discuss things that are important to their target audience.

Internal corporate communication


1. Internal Communication

In large companies, few people have the time or inclination to understand what other groups are doing or even why they exist. Internal videos are a great way to show your local heroes. These videos are typically used in large geographically dispersed companies. Because today there are many employees working from home, this type of video will become increasingly important.

2. Communication event and conference room

Most companies spend a disproportionate amount of their marketing budget to attend and participate to a variety of industry events.  Small percentage of employees benefits from such activities. Share knowledge gained from these events by capturing the presentations, the demonstrations or comments.

3. Welcoming Videos of new employees

Showing fulfilled employees in their new position is a great way to stimulate new employees. The company history, structure, procedures, policies and code of conduct can be communicated effectively in this kind of video.

4. Health, Legal and Security (Popularity: Low | Growth Potential: Moderate)

The cost related to issues of health and safety within organizations are continuously increasing. Videos  are an effective way to reduce these costs.

Public relations and community relations


1. Video release

The press release is now enhanced with video. Video is built to directly support important announcements  and et tell engaging stories.

2. Community relations

If your organization works in the community, helping the environment or contributing to important causes, that should be on video! Show people what you do, and for that video is the best media to use.

3. Business Talk show / Interviews

Weekly information bulletins require a lot of effort and reading rates are very low. Companies of all sizes are now beginning to develop a format of “Talk Show” where hosts have different people (internal or external) to discuss things that are important to their target audience.