The noise of the lipstick cap when opened, the smell of the moisturizing cream, the texture of the powder; a beauty product awakens the senses. One has only to enter into a cosmetics shop to realize it: consumers need to test prior to buy.
In this sense, it can seem difficult to use digital marketing in this area which partially deprive the consumer from the experience of its senses. However, video turns out to be the perfect medium to wake up the viewer senses. Video does play an important role in cosmetics marketing and we will tell you why!
The necessity of digital for cosmetics
The digital marketing boom has led to a revolution in the management of customer relations. Indeed, its development has allowed the emergence of a community preaching the real “beauty”. Forums, blogs and tutorials know their finest hour!
Influencers are no longer seen as brands, but more as expert consumers who give their ‘’objective’’ opinion on their blogs. Thus, the opinion of these bloggers is more legitimate than an advertisement, and it shows real impact on brands sales! A US study done in 2010 concluded that 63% of beauty purchases are influenced by blogs (against 26% for women’s magazines).
Influencers can this way strength the trust relationship between brands and their customers.
In order to win the favor of those bloggers, brands are quick to offer samples and invite them to launch parties.
Cosmetics Marketing: The explosion of video
Cosmetic consumers prefer video over other mediums.
Furthermore, cosmetics are the perfect subject for tutorials; nothing is more fun than a video explaining how to use eyeliner, how to make a festive makeup, etc. These videos are very friendly in general. According to the millions of subscribers to this kind of channels, internet users love makeup tutorials!
The key to success: Personality, closure and above all consistency … Bloggers need to build a long-term relationship with their subscribers. The objective is to provide them with good advice that only a “real friends” could give them.
How to seize the opportunity ? Some brands decide to produce their own video tutorials and post them on womens web magazines, AuFeminin by Maybelline Gemey
Others make sure to appear in the videos of popular vloggers. Sephora Sephora box, for example, featured in a tutorial of LOdoesmakeup.
What kind of video is best suited to promote your cosmetic brand?
One thing is certain in the field of cosmetics: it is the consumer experience that needs to be put forward. Of course you can present your manufacture process, if the process is specific (fair trade, organic products, etc.). However, emphasize above all the relationship between the product and the customer.
You can also associate with a vlogger to make a tutorial. Be carefull, a vlogger is objective and can therefore criticize certain aspects of your products if necessary. However, the good thing about this kind of collaboration is its legitimacy.
You can also make a video with pictures of your most loyal consumers. They also have experienced your products and may even offer tutorials of their own. In addition, it will allow you to connect with your most loyal customers, which is always very rewarding.
Cosmetics marketing uses video as a friendly and fun tool to convey a product experience and reach a large number of potential customers. Therefore, video guarantees an excellent return on investment. It would be a shame not to benefit from it!