Humanitarian crises and donations.

Have you noticed that people are particularly ready to give their time or their money during humanitarian crises, natural disasters or during the drama that affects their community? Currently, the Red Cross is receiving record donations for fires in Australia, to which no one can remain indifferent. It’s the same thing, which happened last year during the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Millions of people were outraged at the loss of this world heritage and what about the tragic earthquake in Haiti in 2010 that destroyed most of the infrastructure. People are most generous during the worst disasters.

Why citizens suddenly decide to contribute to your cause. What can we learn from this behavior to maximize our video messages!

Here are the 5 elements to remember from this spontaneous behavior when you are going to want to create a video that will arouse the generosity of your donors and the general population.

  1. Create a sense of urgency of course!
  2. Create a feeling of belonging to a group or a community
  3. Give examples to be emotionally close to your potential donors.
  4. Demonstrate why he should have an interest in your cause
  5. Demonstrate that it is quick and easy to give and illustrate the expected results
  6. Demonstrate that donation or generosity makes people happy and does well.


So, your next video will be relevant and impactful. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. Creating videos that meet your donation goals is our expertise.