Although it is the last step of a video strategy, distribution must be defined way before the creative process. Format, concept, scenario… All these elements are influenced by the target audience, and by the distribution method you choose.


Therefore, which platforms are adapted to your project? Here are some advice to help you optimize your distribution strategy according to the objectives of your professional video.


Youtube, a must for video distribution? Not necessarily…

Second search engine after Google, Youtube seems to be an essential platform for video distribution. But when it comes to professional content, be aware of this platform’s disadvantages before posting your video:

  • Youtube can place adverts before your video and around it, so you have to decide whether or not it could have a negative impact on the message you are sharing.
  • Youtube will also suggest a whole list of similar videos, which may include your competitors. Are you ready to take that risk? In any case, it is a factor to take into account.
  • Youtube offers few options for organizing videos, which could be complicated if you have a lot of different videos.


youtube distribution video


Before posting your video on Youtube, think about these elements, and do not forget to check what other platforms have to offer (Vimeo or Dailymotion for example).


Each video has a specific distribution strategy

According to the strategic objectives of your professional video, you can choose different distribution channels:


  • If your video is aimed for internet only, such as a teaching video for example, you should prioritize a video host allowing you to share a secured link, with or without a password. Here, creating a buzz is not the objective, therefore it is not necessary to include ‘’tags’’ and encourage sharing on social networks.
  • If you intend to reach a large audience with your video, as it is the case for webseries for example, distribution should be focused on channel multiplication (medias, sharing platforms…) where your video can be easily commented and shared.


distribution réseaux sociaux


Often neglected, distribution deserves a strategic reflexion if you want to turn your project into a success. Before choosing a video production company, you should seek for information about the different existing solutions, and make sure you do not forget any step of the strategy elaboration, until distribution.


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