The uses of corporate videos are very diversified, but which are the most common techniques?

As a spreading visual support, videos are particularly enjoyed by firms, because they allow a perpetual access to their content, without any restrictions. Consumers can access the business’ creations at any time.

Not only do they increase the brand’s awareness, videos also generate more traffic on the different digital spaces of the company, especially on the institutional website, on the commercial one and on social media.

To do so, the firm owns 5 main means of action.


1. Show the product or service


A short visual support is better than long block of text! Present your firm and main activities in a quick video (maximum 1min30).

Brands can also share tutorials as well as explanations, in order to make a product or a service and its use clearer and simpler for the consumer. It could also portray additionnal characteristics of a product.

We produced this type of video of our client Uniprix, discover the result! 


Finally, a company can also announce the launch of a product or an event organized by the brand in a catchy video, to make the consumer eager to discover the upcoming news.


2. Make consumers’ opinion come to life


The best way to let customers express themselves is to use testimonials. It is indeed the most rewarding and reassuring mean, giving more credibility to the brand. These testimonials show the type of consumers the brand owns as well; therefore creating a sense of belonging. As a result, the firm has to diversify its panel, and not exclude some targets in the presentation, or on the contrary show non-consumers in the video.

These opinions can be recorded during the test of a product, at the consumer’s place, or in a studio.

The washing powder’s brand Vanish uses this method in its TV spot in France. The consumers recorded their stain removal pieces of advice using the brand’s products:–fSxVmGf1s


3. Improve the SEO referencing


As Google owns the video platform Youtube, it emphasizes on the rerouting from its platforms.  A good referencing of your website will increase your visibility, and therefore your website’s traffic. The videos are a great way to optimize this referencing (means of distribution, metadata, comments are some solutions to take in consideration).

For more information about this subject, do not hesitate to look at the article Osko wrote!


4. Present the employees and the premises


Another way to show your firm by using a video is to emphasize on your employees (as it was the trend thanks to lipdubs). It humanizes the brand by highlighting staff members. What’s more, it allows the development of a strong corporate culture!

Uses of corporate videos


A company can also put forward its premises, factories and offices as a proof of its expertise and professionalism, replacing the open doors day.


5. What about the uses of corporate videos internally?


Internal videos can be used to train employees without dedicating the time of a manager to do so. The use of a visual support improves the social climate by transforming the training into a playful time, especially thanks to the expansion of « serious games ». One good example of these : Renault, a car manufacturer, which created a game using profile pictures, quizz and rewards to train its sales executives.


 Videos can also develop the corporate culture by simplifying connections between employees, even from different cities or countries, and hence build up a real « firm’s spirit » around a strong community.

And you, how does your company use videos? Do not hesitate to tell us below!