During a web video campaign, production can be quite short. It is sometimes over in just a single day depending on the video type. However, other steps can take a while, especially the upstream ones, crucial for the campaign’s success.
Here are the different video pre-production steps, which will then determine the well-being of production, postproduction and distribution.
Video campaign’s strategic reflexion
In order for your campaign to be a success, objectives have to be set in advance, as well as the devoted budget. A planning must be elaborated in collaboration with the production agency, so that the campaign is launched in time.
Marketing strategy comes afterward, and is about answering the following questions:
- What is the point of the video? Is it a video for internal teaching, a video to show how to use a product, or a video to improve the brand’s image? The objective has to be clear so that you can choose the appropriate format (testimony, animated video, tutorial, etc.)
- Who is the target audience? and how to reach them? Is your audience internal or external? Is the target limited or very extended? Having a precise idea of these elements is crucial for the distribution strategy.
Concept and scenario writing
The second pre-production step is more focused on creating original content which can have an impact on the target audience.
- Concept development and scenario writing: The video’s storytelling must be particularly elaborated so that the message can be transmitted with more impact;
- Storyboard development: illustrating the different video steps allows to have an overlook on the creative concept, but is also very useful for filming preparation (or motion design for animated videos).
Pre-production: the key for success?
All elements mentioned before are often neglected at the expense of production itself. However, pre-production is necessary to build a solid strategic reflexion base for the project.
Furthermore, every pre-production step helps for the good progress of production and resources maximization, which is not negligible especially on a budget!
So, do you believe in the importance of pre-production? Do not hesitate to share your experience or opinion in the comments section!