When it comes to advertising strategy, more and more companies choose web marketing. Some medias even predict that internet advertising will overtake TV advertising by the end of 2015!

Many arguments will encourage “marketers” to choose internet over another media. Therefore, here are some good reasons to include web videos to your marketing strategy.


1- Message impact on web videos

The famous saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” is in complete adequation with our time: the digital era. Nowadays, people prefer watching content rather than reading it.

Yes, messages have more impact in pictures, but not in any manner. Conventional advertising such as newspaper or TV ads are not as efficient as in the past.

The audience now prefers a different type of information, more entertaining. And on that point in particular, web videos fit perfectly modern consumers’ needs.


2- Many creative opportunities

Limitations of broadcast time, content restrictions relative to target audience (children for example), or even the list of needed approval before TV diffusion, are barriers that keep brands from reaching their full potential in TV marketing.

The reason web videos are appreciated that much, is because they offer a huge playing field which combines adaptability and unlimited creative opportunities. You can choose both the length and the type of ad you wish to distribute. This allows brands to have different alternatives, and run wild on creativity.

3- The audience extent

TV still has a long life ahead, but if you are only trying to reach prospects and clients, stop searching! They are online.

Whether it is for information or entertainment, consumers use internet more and more, and this trend is even more encouraged by mobile devices development.

Last statistics of 2014 even announced a growing rate of +388% compared to 2013!


4- The viral aspect of social networks

Competition is fierce on internet, and only the ones who know how to boost their sales thanks to web videos make a success of their web campaign.

In order to benefit from the viral effect of social networks, key words are originality and subtility. Classic ads promoting a product or service without any creativity are not welcome online, and are particularly avoided by users. Adblock is by the way the most successful app on Firefox…

People do not buy simple products anymore, but rather the message they transmit. Humorous videos are often the most viral videos of all. Let’s take the example of Oasis who knows how to use Storytelling better than any other brand, through their fruity charming characters:



5- Referencing improvement (Google appreciates web videos)

Currently, the referencing of a website with web videos is naturally in a good position. Two things can explain this:

First, since its Youtube acquisition in 2006, Google encourages websites where Youtube videos are available.

Also, with the multiplication of video hosting websites such as Vimeo, Dailymotion, and soon Facebook, users tend to share corporate videos more easily on their blogs and social media. This creates more traffic and helps natural referencing.

For example, a bank promoting its services online has way more chances to reach an audience when using a video rather than an annoying Pop-up.

To illustrate this, here is a video of the Banque Nationale, by Osko Production, promoting their customer service in animation:



The success of web videos can be explained by many reasons, but the influence of diffusion channels is still questionnable.

If you wish to optimize your marketing strategy and reach as many people as possible, it is better to multiply diffusion channels and not to restrain yourself to web videos, even if they are the most efficient way to reach a large audience.

Do you know any advertising platforms more efficient and relevant than web videos? Share your opinion with us!