One thing is sure about technology; it is changing and evolving faster than ever before. We have reached a point where we can start asking ourselves if it is even possible to get further: more connected, bigger screens, smarter smartphones?


When it comes to video production, brands need to adapt their content and distribution strategies to this fast-paced evolution. This is why it is so important to stay updated on new tools and technologies; no ones wants to be left behind and outperformed by competitors.


That said, here we have for you our predictions on the future of video production.


New technologies


1-  4K revolution


4K has twice the resolution of ultra HD. It has been in the market for several years now and its market keeps growing. Business Intelligences (BI) expects 4K TVs to be part of 90% of American households by 2030.


The computer industry seems also very open to bigger screen resolutions. This year, for example, Apple offered an impressive 5K display in their 27-inch iMac. But this is only the beginning, many other brands have already announced upcoming 8K monitors.


More affordable and accessible, 4K is slowly taking place in the consumers lives: televisions, monitors and even in their smartphones. Those who start producing videos and promotional material with that quality have certainly one step ahead of everyone.


2- Wearable devices


Forget about the smartphones and tablets; the future of the ‘’ smart ‘’ belongs in the ‘’ wearable’’. Wearable accessories industry, only in United States, is worth more than 5 billion  and is expected to triple in 5 years.


Lots of changes are to come with this new technology that will definitely affect video production in business marketing. Wearable glasses, just to mention one among others, open the door for video immersion. Imagine being able to try on the clothes you just saw on TV or talking to customer service live without ever leaving the comfort of your own home. That is the future of advertising and corporate videos.


This isn’t science fiction, but rather a near future; Google Glasses and iWatch are only the tip of the iceberg. More technologies are to come allowing consumers to be more connected than ever. This also means the possibility for brands to access more complete and precise database making their marketing strategies even stronger. Video production is then meant to evolve in a more interactive and immersive way continuously improving the viewing experience.


3- The democratization of 3D


Stay alert, 3D hasn’t said it’s last word. Many innovations in this field are upcoming. Only this year, CES presented dozens of TV prototypes glassless that were very impressive. Just take a look at Samsung’s 8K TV to see how much this technology has evolved.


3D doesn’t stop at TV’s market. We will be soon talking about 3D projectors, mobile aps, augmented reality, and, as it is already possible on YouTube, to stream and watch mostly everything in 3D.



Consumer evolution


1- Mobile shoppers, here they come


No surprises here , the consumer of tomorrow will be more active on their mobile devices than on any other electronic device. Brands must keep this factor in mind when it comes to producing and distributing their video content.


They must ensure that their videos remain accessible and clear on any device at all times. This point is already very important, and it will be even more significant in the future.


2- Be quick and clear


Consumers environment is constantly spammed by ads, videos, images, … This situation leaves its patience and attention to a very low level; that means, almost nothing. With the growing popularity of wearable devices and other electronic devices, it can only get worst. That said, brands need to start thinking shorter, catchier and more focus on the quality of their content.



3- Personalized content is the key


Forget about traditional demographic templates based on gender and age. The consumer has long ago evolved out of this rigid cultural patches and social norms. The consumer of tomorrow wants personalized services  built in function of his needs and wants.


With new technologies, like wearable devices, brands will have access to an incredible amount of data that will help them better target their customer’s expectations and generate unique content for everyone.



The future of video production: a stronger collaboration between brands and agencies.


Every day, new technologies and trends are emerging. Therefore, brands need professionals help them achieving these technological prowess successfully!


You may ask yourself ‘’ why not doing it myself’’ since technology becomes more accessible for everyone: softwares, cameras, computers… For a simple reason: the expertise! Brands will need more than ever the help of experts to guide them in their media production and distribution strategies. Production equipment dedicated for business purposes is still as expensive and requires advanced knowledge. An expert assistance remains essential to be able to deliver quality and consistency.


One thing is certain, the future of video holds great surprises. We are curious, what are your predictions in the field of video production?